About the SongCrying

Roy Orbison’s 1961 ballad, “Crying”, is more than just a song; it’s a raw and powerful exploration of heartbreak and despair. The song, co-written by Orbison himself, became a defining moment in his career, showcasing his exceptional vocal range and his ability to tap into deep human emotions.

“Crying” wastes no time establishing its emotional core. The opening line, “I had to escape / The city was sticky and cruel,” sets the scene for a tale of longing and regret. The narrator has fled a place associated with a painful experience, but the emotional burden remains.

Orbison’s vocals are the centerpiece of the song. He delivers the lyrics with a vulnerability that’s both heartbreaking and captivating. The lines, “I thought that I was over you / But it’s true, so true / I love you more / Than I did before,” showcase his masterful use of dynamics, soaring into a powerful falsetto to emphasize the depth of his emotions.

The melody perfectly complements the emotional intensity of the lyrics. A simple piano line lays the foundation, while strings swell and recede, mirroring the rise and fall of the narrator’s emotions. The overall effect is one of controlled chaos, a musical representation of the turmoil within the narrator’s heart.

“Crying” doesn’t shy away from the pain of heartbreak. Lines like, “But darling, what can I do? / Because you don’t love me / And I’ll always be / Crying for you,” express a raw desperation and a sense of helplessness in the face of unrequited love.

Despite the despair, there’s a flicker of hope. The repeated line, “Crying” can be interpreted as a release, a way to purge the emotional pain. Perhaps by acknowledging and expressing his grief, the narrator can begin to heal.

“Crying” resonates with listeners because it taps into a universal human experience. Heartbreak is a part of life, and Orbison’s raw and honest portrayal allows listeners to connect with the song on a personal level.

The song’s enduring appeal lies in its emotional honesty and its ability to capture the depths of despair and the glimmer of hope that can exist even in the face of heartbreak. “Crying” remains a timeless testament to Roy Orbison’s exceptional songwriting and his ability to deliver a vocal performance that continues to move audiences to this day.Picture background


Lyrics: “Crying”


I was all right for awhile
I could smile for awhile
But I saw you last night
You held my hand so tight
As you stopped to say, “Hello”Oh, you wished me well
You, you couldn’t tell
That I’d been crying over you
Crying over you

When you said, “So long”
Left me standing all alone
Alone and crying, crying
Crying, crying

It’s hard to understand
But the touch of your hand
Can start me crying

I thought that I was over you
But it’s true, so true
I love you even more
Than I did before

But, darling, what can I do?
For you don’t love me
And I’ll always be crying over you
Crying over you

Yes, now you’re gone
And from this moment on
I’ll be crying, crying
Crying, crying
Yeah, crying, crying
Over you


By LamNg

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