About the SongEvergreen (Love Theme From "A Star is Born")

Barbra Streisand’s Evergreen is a breathtakingly beautiful ballad that captures the essence of enduring love. Penned by Paul Williams for the iconic film A Star Is Born, the song became synonymous with the film’s romantic narrative and a testament to Streisand’s unparalleled vocal prowess.

Released in 1976, Evergreen quickly climbed the charts, becoming an Oscar-winning anthem. Streisand’s interpretation of the song is nothing short of ethereal, her voice effortlessly gliding through the melody with a sense of longing and devotion. The lyrics paint a picture of a love that transcends time and circumstance, a love that is as fresh and vibrant as an evergreen tree.

Beyond its romantic themes, Evergreen also speaks to the power of human connection and the enduring nature of the soul. The song’s gentle melody and heartfelt lyrics create a sense of peace and tranquility, inviting listeners to escape the world and immerse themselves in the beauty of love.

Evergreen remains a cherished classic, its timeless appeal ensuring its place in the hearts of music lovers for generations to come.

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Lyrics: “Evergreen (Love Theme From “A Star Is Born”)”
(from “A Star Is Born” soundtrack)

Love soft as an easy chair
Love fresh as the morning air
One love that is shared by two
I have found with you

Like a rose under the April snow
I was always certain love would grow
Love ageless and evergreen
Seldom seen by two

You and I will make each night the first
Every day a beginning
Spirits rise and their dance is unrehearsed
They warm and excite us
‘Cause we have the brightest love

Two lights that shine as one
Morning glory and midnight sun
Time… we’ve learned to sail above
Time… won’t change the meaning of one love
Ageless and ever evergreen…


By LamNg

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